
Techniques for Writing Topic Sentences
By: Marie Fincher

September 18, 2015

A topic sentence identifies the main idea of any paragraph that you write. It may also state the main point or argument that you will be making in ... Read more
Fun Classes to Take in College? Yes, There is a Santa Claus
By: Marie Fincher

September 15, 2015

College is for serious higher learning. That is what you have been told. You are anticipating really tough courses, lots of essays and papers to wr... Read more
The Educational Benefits of Video Games, Blogs and Social Media
By: Marie Fincher

September 14, 2015

Many people have bemoaned what they believe to be the negative impacts of social media, blogging, and video games. They believe these things create... Read more
4 Great Resources for Writing a Cultural Diversity Essay
By: Marie Fincher

September 11, 2015

As the world is becoming smaller, it is increasingly more common for instructors to ask students to demonstrate their understanding of other cultur... Read more
5 Reasons to Start Crowdsourcing Blog Content
By: Marie Fincher

September 11, 2015

Crowdsourcing is simply the process of enlisting the help of the general public to accomplish a task. Crowdsourcing campaigns have include asking f... Read more
The Crucible Essay – A Paper on Fear Betrayal Superstition and Politics
By: Marie Fincher

September 09, 2015

The Crucible is a play that was written about the Salem Witch trials. In it, the writer, Arthur Miller, deftly demonstrates how vindictiveness, mas... Read more
Tagged in: crucible essay writing tips
Sell Yourself in any Job Interview with these 4 Steps
By: Marie Fincher

September 09, 2015

Why is it that several equally qualified candidates can interview for a job, but only one or two will make to the second or interview or be offered... Read more
Writing the Lolita Book Review
By: Marie Fincher

September 07, 2015

Lolita was not published in English until 1955, and it was promptly banned from every school library, many college libraries, and most public libra... Read more
Tighten Up Your 5-Paragraph Essay
By: Marie Fincher

September 04, 2015

You learned the basics of a 5-aragraph essay way back in middle school. Over time, however, as your writing tasks and topics became more complex, s... Read more
5 Steps for your Best Cause and Effect Essay
By: Marie Fincher

September 02, 2015

A cause and effect essay is written with the purpose of analyzing the causes and/or effects of a single event. Depending on the exact nature of the... Read more